My Personal Creed

I believe in a mystical being whom we call God. The maker of all
things and nurturer of the world. 

I believe in Jesus who is God in the flesh. Who was born of a 
virgin, lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a sacrifice
for sin. On the third day he rose from the grave and defeated death.
He then ascended into Heaven. 

I believe His Spirit descended to Earth. The Spirit abides in and
guides all who have come to experience Jesus as their Savior.
Through the Spirit one receives giftings to minister and live in the
current world. 

I believe that the Scripture are a reflection of God’s relationship
with people throughout the ages. That one should study Scripture in
order to learn how to have a relationship with God.

I believe in a fellowship of believers that come together to have a
better understanding of God. Every follower should share one truth,
that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Apart from that, each
individual will have a slightly differing relationship with the same
God through Christ.

 I do believe in predestination and free will. I do not agree with 
the Calvinist teachings, for I believe in Jesus' teachings. I try to
steer clear of this debate because in my eyes it really is not that
important to me, as author and theologian AW Tozer put it best:
     "God will not hold us responsible to understand
     the mysteries of election, predestination and the
     divine sovereignty. The best and safest way to deal
     with these truths is to raise our eyes to God and 
     in deepest reverence say 'O Lord, Thou knowest."
     Those things belong to the deep and mysterious 
     profound of God's omniscience. Prying into them
     may make theologians, but it will never make saints.