Amin Ibrahim

 Here I am with one of my closest friends at 
Baylor. Freshman year (99-00) you could always 
find us watching martial arts movies or him 
beating me at my own Playstation games.

Kevin Newton

My roommate for 3 yrs.

Todd Allen

My roommate for 2 yrs.

Me, Todd and Jababr

Todd took me out for my 21st birthday. Yahoo!

My 20th Birthday

Todd, Me, Kevin, Amin and Brian Hoppe.

Thomas Mabie

 One of my closest brothers in Christ my freshman year,
Thomas was a loyal friend and one funny guy. He left Baylor
to finish school in Dallas. Lost touch with him.

Bryan Fuqua

 Also known in some circles as "Duck Boy." 
Bryan was an....interesting roomate to say 
the least, boy do I have some stories to 
tell my children. Here Bryan gets up after 
missing all his classes that day.